6 Things that 'HARAM' When Playing Mobile Legends, Do not Be Dilakuin...

Mobile Legends is a game that has a MOBA or Multiplayer Online Battle Arena like Dota 2. Definitely the genre of games that are in dire need of a cooperation and team cohesiveness if you want to win the game.

Therefore, playing MOBA games like Mobile Legends is not to be selfish because the essence of a cohesion is needed here. In addition, there are some things we should avoid during the game Mobile Legends if you do not want to be regarded as a noob player and only troubles the team. What are they? Let's see directly below.

1. Do not Play If Ping is Over 150ms

Network problems often make players difficult to play, this can make you even a good play will be considered noob and troublesome team. So, before deciding to start the game first check the quality of the network in the top left corner of the top screen.

Note the ping number there, generally good network quality is under 130ms, but if ping is above 150ms then better not continue the game or wait for the network smoothly again. If forced then the game becomes not maximal and possibility nge-lag will occur while playing.

2. Do not Try The New Hero In The Fashion Mode

Playing in the Styles mode is a way player to level up, just like Dota 2 where player quality is determined through the number of MMR. Similarly, Mobile Legends are determined by rank.

Well, in Mobile Legends itself raising the rankings is also not an easy thing, but make it down is very easy, therefore do not gambling by choosing a new hero in the game mode mode, this in addition to make you look noob during the game you will also disturb yourself and team. Therefore, choose a hero that you have been accustomed to do during play mode mode in order to play the maximum.

3. No Responsibility Maintain Lane

At the beginning of the game, usually most often use the 2.2,1 formation, ie 2 in the upper lane, 2 again on the bottom lane, and 1 in the middle. The basic responsibility of the player is to keep the tower itself and focus on the enemy. While keeping the lane the most needed thing is focus and caution, not infrequently enemies will provoke and make emotions hooked, that's where we will be killed and the tower becomes the easiest target to be destroyed by the enemy.

Then, do not leave Lane empty, should invite friends if you want to nge gank enemy or Lane exchange if the enemy is considered very heavy to face.

4. Do not Jungle If Tower Attacked

Usually this is most often done by noob players, ie let the tower attacked the enemy while he is very cool doing jungle in the forest. Whereas if the tower is destroyed, the chance of win will be reduced.

5. Lustful and Careless

It is natural that every player is eager to kill as many enemies as possible to gain MVP and victory. But this can actually be a negative effect for yourself if the player is not able to control the emotions while playing. The opposing provocation also often raises the boomerang because the player is not aware if actually he is being trapped, the most important one is do not hesitate to go home if the condition of blood is critical.

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